Anyway, I hope the photos can make justice the beautiful smooth OSL.<br />
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About the model, it is a 3d print hard resin, the size of the bust is around 6cm, 10cm with the base, acquire on an online store called Lethal Shadows. https://www.lethalshadows.com/product-page/banshee-a-bust<br />
The figure represent a moaning banshee, any kind of woman specter or ghost, from the Irish folklore, she is walking floating over the soggy marshes when the light falls at dusk. And his presence is a harbinger of blessings to come.<br />
Anyway, that not the case, :D please enjoy and comment my last work.
Great light effect. GoldAlbert_3d
Thank you! :DMelnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
So awesome!Albert_3d
Hello Melnikov, thank you!Chris B
The OSL effect on the lantern and arm from that back view is really nice :)Albert_3d
Thank you, as soon as I saw the figure, I told myself that it was perfect for an OSL technique.Clive Jackson
Nicely done! Gold!Albert_3d
Thank you, Clive.dengyi zhao
I like this light. Is it a real light?Love itAlbert_3d
Thank you, I am glad you think it is real :D.Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS