The three miniatures are from Martin Hille / Kellerkind Miniaturen.
If you are acquainted with the german radio play centered around Professor Dr. Dr. Dr. Augustus van Dusen, you might clearly notice the resemblance of the three miniatures to Professor van Dusen (universal scientist, genius and amateur criminologist), Hutchinson Hatch (chronicler,
assistant and permanent attendant to the professor) and Detective Sergeant Caruso (New York Police Department) This scene refers to an episode called “Professor van Dusen und der Leichenräuber” (PvD and the body snatcher), which takes place in 1898 and shows our three protagonists shortly before they sneak into the crypt of the DeWitt familiy on the Marble Cemetary in New York to reveal…, well, I won't tell you now. But, as always, the case will be solved very soon and the professor will demask the villain and present every tiny detail of his (or her) dirty deeds.
I love this series and if you are interested in radio plays with a criminological background, give it a try!
Thanks for looking!
Martin "Kellerkind" Hille
A nice little scene and a great implementation. Always happy to seeDirk "Barakwolf" Seidel
Absolut knuffiges Diorama. In live sogar noch schöner.