Another job completed. And this time - the most epic diorama from RP-Model!
My most ambitious work to date.
Acrylic painting AK-Interactive. Horses and human skin are painted with Abteilung 502 oils.
Dear Sergey : Das ist eine unglaublich sehr gut gelungene Kampf und Schlacht -
Szenerie in Deinem wirklich beeindruckenden Diorama geworden !
Welch eine Farben brillance und Tiefe , die Du malerisch zum Ausdruck gebracht hast . Die ganze Szenerie in Ballance - in jedem Detail . Wunderbare Fotos und hervorragendes Anschauungsmaterial für jeden Liebhaber Der Figurenkunst !
Ein ganz großen Dank dafür . Beste wünsche an Dich Sergey
Long Awaited Miniature!
Congratulations! Epic and Amazing View.
Such Projects definitely should be displayed in the Museums of History and Art.
Your oil work is awesome, Sergey, metal work, too. I love the way you've put in so much depth of contrast bringing out incredible detail everywhere. This does look like a challenging project, and a very well executed one on these incredibly well sculpted figures. There's just so much to look at.
Jaw dropping excellence, once again!
Holger SchwarzPLUS
Dear Sergey : Das ist eine unglaublich sehr gut gelungene Kampf und Schlacht - Szenerie in Deinem wirklich beeindruckenden Diorama geworden ! Welch eine Farben brillance und Tiefe , die Du malerisch zum Ausdruck gebracht hast . Die ganze Szenerie in Ballance - in jedem Detail . Wunderbare Fotos und hervorragendes Anschauungsmaterial für jeden Liebhaber Der Figurenkunst ! Ein ganz großen Dank dafür . Beste wünsche an Dich SergeySergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Vielen Dank für eine solche Bewertung!!!Peter NovakPLUS
AMAZING! :OSergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Long Awaited Miniature! Congratulations! Epic and Amazing View. Such Projects definitely should be displayed in the Museums of History and Art. Cheers.Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Дякую!!!Francesco ThauPLUS
Awesome! Gold!Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Magnifique scène. Le dynamisme est époustouflant et la peinture des figurines est sensationnelle. OrSergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Merci cher ami !!!Tommy Gunn
Simply magnificent and so violent!Cristiano
That's incredible, is amazing.Mateu_Reb
Un trabajo espectaculareric wolfsPLUS
Woaw, terrific, dynamic, great painting. Amazing ! Great gold, of course !!Steven ZuleskiPLUS
Your oil work is awesome, Sergey, metal work, too. I love the way you've put in so much depth of contrast bringing out incredible detail everywhere. This does look like a challenging project, and a very well executed one on these incredibly well sculpted figures. There's just so much to look at. Jaw dropping excellence, once again!Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Thank you friend! It is always very nice to read such detailed reviews! Thank you!Maiorov Stepan
Золото!!Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS
wow.It is a work of art,Michel
Again a masterpiece! You ARE the Master!Hugo PereiraPLUS
Thank you so much my FRIEND... You are the best...Eduardo Garcia Lope
Superb work!Eduardo Fernandez
gold my friendMariano del Olmo
Truly amazing Sergey. Great job, gold! Best,Clive Jackson
Amazing piece Sergey! You have created a masterpiece here!Holger SchwarzPLUS
Lieber Sergey , darf ich Dich zu meinem neuen Diorama einladen und Dich zu einem Feedback bitten ! Ich würde mich sehr darüber freuen . Beste GrüßeKen 'milmart' Farrar
Spectacular...........GOLDFabrizio SchiragaPLUS
Oro Complimentifabrizio1969PLUS
wow gold my friendTheodoros Giannakopoulos
Chromatic haronmy, excellent in any aspect !Marc MussatPLUS
Amazing Sergey Sorry I mist it Gold and editorsSergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Thanks Marc!!!Maxim A.
Gold! Great Dynamics!Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS
Thank You!!!Fabien DOUGNIER
Super boulot bravo !