The Butcher
The Butcher
My favourite Diablo character, since the days of the first one in the franchise. I took 32mm=1,80m as a reference and extrapolated to The Butcher being roughly 3m. Crappy photos as apologies...
  • Thomas Wasch

    very cool sculpt..i like it

  • Andreas NegerPLUS

    Aaaah… fresh putty! ;)
    Very good sculpt, one of my favourite characters too. I like.

  • Joan Carles Ros "RosmaN"

    So awesome!!!!

  • Ekaitz Zárraga

    Great job!
    I love the feet the legs, the knees are really cool.

  • Kurt "Darkezekiel" Knittelfelder


    like him - hope to see him painted in near future.

  • Sash

    Hi Trovorian, ich kenne deine tollen Meisterwerke nun schon seit so vielen Jahren. Genaugenommen seit dem Forum Planet Confrontation. Du bist einfach nur super geworden. Ich mag die Mini sehr. Falls Du planst die abzuformen würde ich sofort eine nehmen.

  • David Cid "Parvilon"

    I Love all Diablo3 chatacters ... Will you make some copies???

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    WI ked work gold

  • François-Xavier "Fx" HUET

    Gold !!
    Nice job !


  • Jero Miniatures

    Awesome! Gold gold gold!! Is it posible to get copies of that wonder!!?