Master Ekusa’s tortoise
Master Ekusa’s tortoise
Master Ekusa’s tortoise
Master Ekusa’s tortoise
  • Oliver Posvek (Colouristo)

    A very pieceful scenery

  • Weisern Loh

    what type of plant have you used (the tall bits)? where did you find it? thanks :)

    • Debbie Volquarts

      I found it in my aunt’s garden in Germany. Don’t really know what it is actually. She said it’s wine.

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Great job debbie

  • Ben Baird

    Well whatever those tall bits are they really make for a cool atmosphere. Makes it really look like a fantasy, alien setting that really fits the miniature.

  • Florian "Tuffskull" Weinheimer

    looks real,y great! Thanks for showing!