I am a huge fan of the books and the TV show and love painting the models. I painted this one with the focus being on the armor and the base. I wanted to provide an example of a model that is worthy of an award in a competition that utilizes True Metal Metallics. There is a prevailing attitude in the US that Non-Metallic Metal is the technique to use on competition pieces. I disagree and think people should paint whatever they want on their competition pieces. I prefer TMM over NMM any day of the week. I have more fun painting it which means it looks better in the end because it's not torture. <br />
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The judges seemed to like him and he took 2nd place. I was told I just needed to have freehand on him somewhere to bump it up to first place. <br />
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I am very happy with this piece overall. My husband helped me with the base. He is known for his basing techniques and he showed me some tricks to using plasticard and helped drill some compositional theory into my head when figuring out orientations for the brick work and placement of the mini. <br />
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This mini was a huge learning and growing experience for me. I hope you guys like it too.
Hi, I think too that people should use which colour they like for metall in competition. It is away to show artistic skills. I would prefer TMM over NMM, because I am only able painting NMM and love seeing miniatures with TMM like the wonderful armour you did. Maybe one day I will learn painting TMM like you... OK regarding your miniature I think you did it the right way not using freehands. There is only one open surface for freehand: the inner part of the cape. When you would paint a freehand than the miniature would be not silent. (I mean that freehand would be too much). Your howle composition is great. Sorry: I dislike the birch leaves. There are better things. The birchleaves do not equall the level of your project. They pull all down. I think for example plusmodell makes better leaves. Best wishes to you SashMelnikov Ivan "Nakatan"