Ronin 1650
Ronin 1650
Ronin 1650
Ronin 1650
So this was a project that I started after Duke of Bavaria 2014.
Picked it up from a trader to give myself a chance to paint something historical for a change over the typical fantasy/sci fi pieces I work on normally.
It sat for a while until I wanted to get it finished for Euro Militaire 2014. And here is the result.

I had advice from Rafael "Volomir" on getting more color into it. As the original was too bland and lifeless.
And adding vegetation to the base after coming from Roman's basing class really made a difference to bring some more life to it.
And finally some good sage advice from a dear friend of mine to tie it into the base better. Making his pants and legs a bit more dirty.
Always grateful to the advice and support from the community!

Hope you enjoy it!
  • Alex ✍

    I really enjoy it Kyle! Great work!

  • Stavros Zouliatis

    I like your version paint!!!! congrats !

  • Melanie

    Nice to see him finished.  Really great work on the face. But the base ist not as good as the miniature -in my opinion ;)

    • Kyle "Mr Lee" Cruickshank

      Thanks for the comments Mel. Though I had started the base before the basing workshop with Roman… might be why the base is lacking ;) Next piece will be better :D

  • Sash

    Hi Kyle, I think painting historical miniatures fits your paintingskills. I like this Ronin very much. He looks like a poor further Samurai you cought the story with your paints in a great way. I would highlite the ultimaten edges of the clothes and sharp edges more for a Vetter readability. Thank you

    • Kyle "Mr Lee" Cruickshank

      Thanks Sash. I am still working on my style, but glad that it seems to work with this piece. I hope to do more of them in the future. As for the ultimate edges/sharp edges. It is something that I am still struggling with, and looking to improve upon further. Thanks for the comments!

  • Sash

    Hi Kyle, I think painting historical miniatures fits your paintingskills. I like this Ronin very much. He looks like a poor further Samurai you cought the story with your paints in a great way. I would highlite the ultimaten edges of the clothes and sharp edges more for a Vetter readability. Thank you

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Well done my friend. Good to see this piece finished and of your table!
    I really enjoy to see you painting some of your plans!

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Excellent job