2nd Star Project - 001: Hansel & Gretel
2nd Star Project - 001: Hansel & Gretel
2nd Star Project - 001: Hansel & Gretel
2nd Star Project - 001: Hansel & Gretel
2nd Star Project - 001: Hansel & Gretel
Painting: Francesco Franciuus Farabi
Sculpt & design: Max Amon Richiero

hi all,
i am very happy to present you my last work doing in team with my brother friend: the genial Max Amon Richiero, that is very important for me.
Whit this little "divertissement" me and max, we start a big project that i hope will continue for a long time in the future. The project is called "Second Star Project" and is a collaboration of passion and idea between us. Our idea is to "talking about tales" is different way try to connect the visual creativity and talent of max with my idea of painting and finish miniatures.

The first chapter of this (i hope) long trip is our vision of hansel and gretel fable but in a gothic dispotic point of view: the poor witch killed by two psychotic evil children :D

when i purpose this idea to Max he start creating a first stitches and after we fixed some things he sculpt the overall composition with his genial touch; i try to interpretate this mixing my stile with the influence of tim burtons mood and atmosphere.

I hope you like it!!!

see you soon for more crazy stuff as soon as possible.

many thanks to E.N. for be the sponsor of this first work...
  • Adrien "Wolf" Leloup

    Love this one!! This kind of project is so nice and interesting! Well done!

  • Oliver Posvek (Colouristo)

    Dear Fra,
    Congratulation to you and Max!

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    OMG OMG OMG OMG my favorite new work and probably the best most horrific thing I’ve seen in 25 years in this craft..

  • Fausto "AbyssoulFP" Palumbo

    Francesco, questo pezzo è davvero uno spettacolo!
    Grazie per i continui stimoli che mi dai :)

  • PierreYves"LordB"Geneste

    What to say but…....EXCELLENT!!!!! I’m pretty fan!!!!!

  • Matthieu Roueche - "Blabla"PLUS

    Nice paintjob…by a talented team!

  • Michael Kontraros

    Fantastic miniature! !!! I must say that it is even better live!  Well done my friend!

  • Meg Maples

    Ah NO! I was going to vote and the page reloaded as I did giving you a bronze! NOOOOOOOO! I didn’t mean to! I meant to give this a Gold! It’s an awesome piece. I love the Tim Burton-esque feel of the piece. It’s a very “A Nightmare before Christmas” to me. I love it. Sculpt work is amazing and the painting equally so.

    • Francesco "Franciuus" FarabiPLUS

      ahahaha no problem Meg, don’t care! thank you very much for your comment we are happy you like it.
      (in any case you can ask to P&P admin to reset your vote, also to me happened some times… but is absolutely not important!) :D

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    I am thankful to be able to hold it in my hands at MSS ... truely a masterpiece out of two mad brains!

  • Jeff Burns "Tinman"

    Wow,  kind of dark. I love it!

  • Matteo Murelli "Mù"

    My N°1 throught Your work Francesco

  • Herman aka Glitterwolf
