Duel for Golden Demon 2014 : Won a Silver Demon
  • Anastasios Kandris

    You deserve it! Very nice painting and synthesis!

  • Max Faleij

    so cleaaaannn! love it. well deserved!

  • Max Faleij

    now get some more pics up of your other stuff please! ;) :)

    • Mark "Liffy44" Lifton

      Thanks for your kind comments, Max. I shall put some more up very soon ... honest!! The apples are my favourite bit!

  • Max Faleij

    also: love the apples! (sorry for all the comments :P)

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Mr mark liston you are the king of duels…I’ve followed your works thru the years and 1 the gs always certain your going to win a trophy in the duel category

    • Mark "Liffy44" Lifton

      Cheerz , John. I rather like Duels (I thnkn you may have noticed) ... but I don’t always get a trophy ... 2012 for one. I’ll try to get some shots of that one up soon.

  • Michiel

    Stunning peace and inspiring! 110% WARHAMMER!

  • Mark "Liffy44" Lifton

    Thank you, Michiel. I love a Warhammer Duel ... just doing another one ... there’s a surprise :o)