Hey there Ladies and Gentlemen, dear painters!

Today i want to show you my second human bust. It is "The Lion" from Nutsplanet, resembling Tywin Lannister.

As i am getting (slowly) the hang of painting busts, i wanted to focus on facial expression on this piece. I wanted tho have him looking right at the viewer, cunning, menacing, very intelligent. I went for a bit more reddish tones in his eyes to have a little bit of the facial tones of an angry lion in his eyes.

Also i worked with True Metals very serious for the first time and i have to say that i love to use them on busts. Some more practice and i will be able to achieve nice results. :)

I hope you like him!


Daniel aka Solmar
  • Alexander Akers

    Outstanding work on the facial expression an the metallic’s. I loved the eyes the most though and the red in the corners really make them pop.

  • Archontis Kitsios

    Excellent vesrion!

  • Sergey PopovichenkoPLUS

    Very lively, very !!!

  • Jeff Burns "Tinman"


  • Ben Baird

    Very good job! One of the best I’ve seen of him. The only fault I can find is that perhaps there is a bit too much vitality to the skin, which could be reconciled with a bit more of a pallid tone. Love the metals. As an NMM guy up to this point, metals such a these make me want to try out some TMM very soon. May I ask, were these Scale75 metals?

    • Daniel

      Yes these were the scale75 ones. Insanely good paints!:)

  • NilsStratmann

    Perfect work, the lion from Casterly Rock is awesome…