Gurfang Numbzkull Da Space Ork
So after 6 long years I'm back!
Gurfang Numbzkull is a Space Ork from the 41st millennium. Being most of my previous works set in the gloomy forests of a fantasy setting, I decided to change the milieu and go for a barren desert in the far future.

In contrast with my 2006 Slayer Sword-winning Black Orc Warboss—­­­which was meant to be fearsome―­­­, stupidity was sought as the main feature this time around. The face, the way of holding the severed head... all reminiscent of witlessness.

Paintjob-wise, there were three elements I wanted to lay the focus on:
- A thorough treatment of textures and materials.
- A stronger treatment of light than hitherto.
- A saturation of colour and a riddance of the grey filter prevalent in the latest works of mine without a loss in ambiance.

In order to break the fundamentally static nature of the figure I added the flying bullet bandolier. The accompanying gretchins were also slightly converted. The one atop the rock pillar had a new hand sculpted in an indecorous gesture, and the one at the bottom-right corner had his weapon and head cut off and re-sculpted.

The main inspirational artists were Benoît Ménard, (the now in vogue) Paul Bonner, and Wayne England.
Some may find in this an archetypal example of old-schoolism. I intend, however, ­­­­­­to accommodate my style to newer trends―­­­whilst staying truthful to my essence. For one thing, I am athirst to try out larger scales and busts.
For those wondering, it is all brushwork.
  • Cristian Sanchez Miralles (Kai)

    Esta claro que en tanto tiempo no has perdido mano, el trabajo en vista general me encanta, todos los detallitos la cabeza estilo gurka de benoit,los escorpiones, las balas, la eleccion de colores tambien me gusta mucho saliendose del orco con armadura amarilla de siempre, quitando que la pose no me acaba de convencer me gusta muchisimo ademas creo que en temas de luz se me hace mejor que tus ultimos trabajos, ahora a seguir haciendo muchos mas.
    Un abrazo!!

  • Max Faleij

    This. is. aaaaaawesome work!!!  Love the write up too, short n’ sweet and to the point. Great stuff! :) This is the best piece I’ve seen all year!!! ;)

    • Albert Moreto FontPLUS

      Many thanks Max; your works are equally inspiring! I only wish I was better at picture-taking, these kill so many tones and other effects… :(

  • smashingfineart

    Muy bonito Albert, para mi eres una fuente de inspiracion, los tonos de la piel y el contraste con los tonos tuquesa me parece brutales. Los metales del arma del orco tambien me gustan mucho. Lo que me choca un poco es la posición del brazo izquierdo, no se si es por la foto pero me parece un poco rara. Una miniatura increible que me gustaria tener sin duda. Oro para mi.

    • Albert Moreto FontPLUS

      Muchas gracias por el comentario, Alfonso! En cuanto a lo del brazo, no eres el primero que me lo comenta. Sin embargo, no acabo de entender qué es lo que os resulta tan extraño, pues es una postura 100% realizable y no excesivamente antinatural. (lo comprobé yo mismo en el espejo, jejeje). En cualquier caso, gracias por tus amables palabras! :)

  • Jeff Burns "Tinman"

    Love it!! Great work. Welcome back!

  • Ben Snyder (Demihuman)

    What a nice piece! Love your approach to this guy. All the little details really come together too.

  • Jaroslaw Camelson Drabek

    THIS IS SO F*****G AMAZIN!!!!!!!! WOW!! I reall love it, atmosphere, style, everything! I’m in shock! :D

    Only GOLD!!

    Thanks for inspiration!! :D


    • Albert Moreto FontPLUS

      Thanks Jaroslaw! I hadn’t painted in many years so I was a bit uncomfortable at the start. I’m glad it turned out nicely!

  • Ben Baird

    Clearly you don’t need my humble advice. So I’ll preface it with a compliment-there is so much character in both your painting and the conversion. A unique style that is overpowering in its essentially whimsical charm. Kudos to you in a major way that we all strive for.
    My advice would be to use red for your shading on similarly skinned creatures. It compliments the skin so well and looks very natural. Give it a whirl sometime :) Cheers my friend!

    • Albert Moreto FontPLUS

      Thanks for your nice words, Ben! Regarding the usage of red for shading, it is something I had actually thought of (reddish brown, to be precise), but eventually decided to go for blueish/turquoise tones to have the figure stand out more from the warm tones of the base. Whether these tones are visible in my appalling pictures, now that is another matter… Thanks either way!

  • Miguel

    Me encanta. Una mini muy ‘old school’. Muy bonita en color y tecnicamente muy buena. SI que a mi también me canya un poco el brazo ese, pero no sabria decirte bien porque. Enhorabuena por el trabajo y por tu vuelta.Sigo enamorado de tu Warboss orko negro de aquel Golden. Un abrazo.

  • Mark "Liffy44" Lifton

    Fantastic work - congratulations. I do love orks!

  • Dr34m

    Great conversion and painting! :)

  • Jonathan Hart

    The return of a master! Amazing work Albert, I love the skin tones and all the extra details. I can’t wait to see the next one! Salut!!!

    • Albert Moreto FontPLUS

      Many thanks Jonathan! The next one will most probably be a bust! My first one too :D Gracias!

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    My favorite painted model in the entire history of comp, literature,paintjng dvds, and artists in mini painting period…I absolutely have this in my #1 first place favorite models of all time,in a word…PERFECT!!!GLD