The Robot Witch
This is a lightly converted Dark Age, Voice of the Prevailers, painted for the CMON Dark Age Contest.

If you want to throw me a vote on CMON you can do so here:

Contest is here:


She came to me, from e-bay with a smooshed face so I gave her a mask. I cleaned out my painting closet while I worked on her so she has a little bit of everything on there. Reaper, GW, Vallejo, Tamiya, Artist acrylics and inks, even some Testors! There is NMM TMM and bare metal. Because her face was gone I felt free to try a lot of different things on this one like the freehand on her skirts and shoulder pads and the bare metal gears. The base is supposed represent different levels of technology evolving or devolving, in the chaotic hi-tech wasteland of the Dark Age setting.

Any and all feedback is appreciated!
  • Neil Szabo AKA "Zab"

    The base is ace :)

  • Ben Snyder (Demihuman)

    Thanks Zab! These photos look a little wonky on this site. I might have to fiddle with them a bit.

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    It’s the site what helps me when I upload I Believe it’s 1200 pixels and I crop it to enlarge it bigger and for the most part their also helps to hit the thumbnail then it gets really clear.excellent job nonetheles.

    • Ben Snyder (Demihuman)

      That’s right,  I remember you talking about that. Hmm maybe I’ll fix them when I have sec. Thanks for the votes guys.

  • Ben Baird

    Love it, here or anywhere. Good luck at the contest. Competition is going to have to be great to step to you….

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Just clicked your top image it shows up clear bud don’t change anything repeat do not change anything . This is indeed right up on the style with skellette . It’s totally awesome Ben do not tamper with this it’s perfectly clear and the black background has it standout further I was a little disappointed with the bent scepter but you’ve seemed to have remedied this (def not a small task on a finished model no less) its perfect expect maybe a gold medal average . Wouldn’t surprise me one bit though. Gr8gr8 job Benny boy.

  • Jeff Burns "Tinman"


  • Ben Baird

    One more vote!!! Come on people, this took Bronze from tough competition.

  • Ben Snyder (Demihuman)

    Woohoo! Up to silver now! I did end up taking bronze in the Dark Age CMON contest and actually got a bunch of great feed back on this one. Thansk all!

  • Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS

    spectacular !

  • Carlo

    wonderful, it deserved more than 67!