Squad Kruger - Justaerin Terminators of The Sons of Horus
A precursor to the black clad Chaos Marines of the 41st Millenium, these Sons of Horus Justaerin Terminator veterans show a mix of feral savagery and Imperial technology at the dawn of the Horus Heresy. I enjoyed working on the blacks and all the small details.
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    John you Def know your way around d a model with weapon of choice….a brush..lol gold brother how I love the black not easy to paint not to mention the same exact high profile standards on the whole unit..btw saw your piece in readers model of the eeek.if we ever meet Ide like an autograph..great work on being published in one of the toughest and greatest magazine in the entire hobby world.

    • Jonathan Hart

      Thanks John! If we ever meet we could spend the whole time exchanging techniques on painting miniatures! I’ve seen plenty of your work in White Dwarf and Warhammer Visions lately and it’s all superb! Thanks for your kind words and support. :)

  • Jose_A_Alfonso

    Muy guapo el esquema, gold!