Freak Show
Freak Show
Freak Show
Freak Show
  • Anastasios Kandris

    I like the concept and and the way miniatures and scenic painted a lot.
    But.. i really do not like the upper part label (freak show) and the way you based the diorama. I am sorry if i hurt you, pointing these two things, but i think your should work on these two elements a little bit harder. I hope you understand…

    • Debbie Volquarts

      Thanks for your comment! You don’t hurt me by saying that. I think we just have a different taste because I like how I based it :)

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Awwwesome gold

  • Dan Pollart

    Very nice work Debbie!!

  • Stavros Zouliatis

    Great paint wok, scenery and atmosphere, Debbie, congrats for the whole work :)

    • Debbie Volquarts

      Thanks Stavros! I really appreciate it! :)

  • Karsten -Elaphus- Poepping

    Great work, pure inspiration !!!

  • StephanPLUS

    I second mr. Kandris, but I understand your opinion.