“After the rains.”
“After the rains.”
“After the rains.”
This is my first ever historical figure and it was a joy to paint. Really enjoyed doing the groundworks and the weathering and trying to produce a more realistic representation than I would if it were a fantasy piece. The only issue was the poor texture on the chain mail but I did my best :)

I wanted to depict the warrior during Autumn or Spring, after heavy rains and he's just trudged into position overlooking a battlefield. Someone who is tired but ready for what lays ahead of him.

The figure is the Northumbrian Warrior form the now, sadly defunct Latorre Models. I hope I've done it some justice.
  • Luis G. Ibañez (luisg)

    It`s a perfect work

  • David Powell

    Excellent job on this figure!  You definitely got the realism you were after.  The painting and scene definitely tell a story and convey a specific mood/feel.  I’m also glad you included a close up of the base.

    • Jay Martin (Redrum)PLUS

      Thanks David and thanks for your guidance during the project, much appreciated!

  • Brian Smith

    Brilliant piece of work Jason on all the painting and lovely groundwork,Gold award

  • Maciek (Flameon)

    Very nice work, especially on the shield :)

    • Jay Martin (Redrum)PLUS

      Thankyou Maciek, I really enjoyed painting the shield actually, it’s a very nice sculpt!

  • Oliver "HonourGuard" SpäthPLUS

    Good job mate! Gold. I already followed your wips on facebook :) Happy painting ;)

  • Francesco "Franciuus" FarabiPLUS

    You are walking on the right way “padawan”... the force is with you ;).
    Now, let’s try jump another line!

  • Ivan Radenkovic - Kameleon

    Very nicely done, he looks great. I especially like how you’ve done the shield. Love the base.
    All in all, great work mate!

  • Theren "Canny" Williams

    Lovely spring feel, the mini depicts exactly what you had aimed for. Beautiful paint job.

  • Ragip Oy

    Good job my friend…

    • Jay Martin (Redrum)PLUS

      Hey Ragip, Thankyou my friend, I’m really happy the piece has had such a good reception

  • Michiel

    Wonderfull miniature and cool details on the base: wet leaves and puddle wel done!!

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    And I’m your gold!!  Excelente

  • Ricardo Pisa

    Great overall mood! Your fight against the shield payed off!

  • Kristian Simonsen

    Very nice work, love the shield!