Hello! This is the las bust of a Mongolian Halfling I did for Black Crow miniatures. Was very special because is based in an original concept art by Guillermo Gonzalez. I love his work!
  • Max Faleij

    As always, great work Lucas! I love it!! :)

    • Lucas Pina

      hehe Thank you Maximilian!

  • Stavros Zouliatis

    One more great work from you, everything on it, its perfect, congrats !!!

    • Lucas Pina

      Thank you Stavros! : )

  • Jero Miniatures

    Tus modelados son una delicia!
    Oro para ti!

    • Lucas Pina

      Moltes gràcies Jeroni! : )

  • Josu Araiztegi (Noblez)

    Great job. Gold.

    • Lucas Pina

      Thanks Josu! : )

  • Erich_Strasser

    Great sculping, I like the movement of the fur around the hat

    • Lucas Pina

      ^_^Thank you Erich!

  • Jay Martin (Redrum)PLUS

    Wonderful work! GOLD!

    • Lucas Pina

      Thank you very much Jason ;)

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Mr pina,I’ve just gave you the gold that gave you the GOLD.well done.

    • Lucas Pina

      hehe, it’s true. Thank you John! : D

  • Ken 'milmart' Farrar

    A well deserved Gold , excellent sculpting. Congrats.

    • Lucas Pina

      Thank you for your words, Ken : )

  • Jason Zhou

    Very expressive sculpt. Great work!

    • Lucas Pina

      Thank you Jason! : )

  • Daniel Lopez- Bustos (FeRRaMiS)

    Muy bonita, esta pieza tiene algo especial, caracter, alma, como se quiera decir. En breve empezare a mancharla, espero no desmerecer mucho la escultura..

    • Lucas Pina

      Muchas gracias Daniel. Valoro mucho lo que comentas, para mí es lo más importante. : ) Seguro que tu versión va a estar genial viendo tu nivel : D Un abrazo

  • BerenMiniatura
