And there are many paths to tread
Through shadows to the edge of night,
Until the stars are all alight.
J.R.R. Tolkien
Yarri is a typical figure and there are many differences and good versions of this. My intention was to represent a simple scene but that it could make you feel something. I have tried to reflect one moment of doubt or indecision and that this situation would be happening in "real life" and, at the same time, in the mind of Yarri about the path that he should follow. Will he go to home? Will he continue the hard and dangerous path of his adventure? Maybe he will he go to inn and will decide in other moment?
Yarri es una figura mítica de la que hay muchas y muy buenas versiones. Mi intención era representar una escena muy sencilla pero que también transmita y tenga algo que contar. He intentado reflejar un momento de duda o indecisión en una "encrucijada" real y que también ocurre en la mente de Yarri sobre el camino que debe seguir. ¿Volver a casa? ¿Continuar hacia la aventura sabiendo que será un camino difícil? o por otra parte...¿visitar la posada y volver en otro momento?
Simply but very cool base. I especially like all these textures in the clothes.David Arroba
Thanks Lucky-LBT-Lang, I'm glad you like it!Sergio Torregimeno
nice colors! goldDavid Arroba
Many Thanks Bijou! :D