Dwarf Rune Priest
Dwarf Rune Priest
Dwarf Rune Priest
Dwarf Rune Priest
Here's my latest miniature, also my first since moving abroad. I painted him as a way to get back into painting since moving - really happy with how the textures came out.

You can read a little more about it on my Blog - http://www.miniature-studio.com/
  • A.Demidov


    • Dr34m

      Thank you! (I used Google translate but I think I understood!) :)

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Ok so the texture on the cloak is about as kick ass a paintjob one can get. Gr8 job skraal gold

    • Dr34m

      Cheers John, I happy with how the textures came out. Tried something I wasn’t so comfortable with and it worked out - now trying to decide what to paint up next :)

  • Lee Hebblethwaite (10 ball)

    Well done mate

    • Dr34m

      Cheers man.