Goblin 100mm Bust
Goblin 100mm Bust
Goblin 100mm Bust
Goblin 100mm Bust
Goblin 100mm Bust
Goblin 100mm Bust
Goblin 100mm Bust
Goblin 100mm Bust
Goblin 100mm Bust
Goblin 100mm Bust
Goblin 100mm Bust
Goblin 100mm Bust
This is a 100mm Goblin Bust with high detail... I hope you like and enjoy...
You can see the Video Lauch in the link below
Thank you.
With best regards
Hugo Pereira
  • Anastasios Kandris

    Great bust for sure. It’s gold for me!!!

    • Hugo PereiraPLUS

      Thank you Mr. Anastacios… You are very kind…

  • Sérgio"Odin"Ferrão

    Add a comment

    • Hugo PereiraPLUS

      Thank you for believe in RPmodels… Im glad because you like…
      With best regards
      Hugo Pereira

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Awesome gold.

    • Hugo PereiraPLUS

      Hello Mr. Jonh…
      Thank you for your support…
      Im glad you liked.
      With best regards
      Hugo Pereira

  • Ricardo Pisa


    • Hugo PereiraPLUS

      Thank you Sir… Teh photos aqrent the best, but I think you can see the details… LOL… LOL… LOL… LOL…
      Take care.

  • Jeff Burns "Tinman"

    Your work is great!!

    • Hugo PereiraPLUS

      Hello Mr. Jeff…

      Thank you for your comment. Im very happy because you liked.

      With best regards
      Hugo Pereira

  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    oh wow.