Next mini for GRRM Game of Throne author. Please do not vote for sculpture because this is not my and I agree is very ugly.I only painted it.I hope you like.
More details and tutorials on my fanpage on FB Karol Rudyk Art.Invite!
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    OMG !!!!!

  • Dirk R.

    WOW, that looks really fantastic !

  • Krzysztof "REDAV" Kobalczyk

    Złoto jak się patrzy. Model straszny i chyba nikt w historii nie pomalował go lepiej i zapewne też nie pomaluje :P.

  • Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS

    Is amazing!

  • Jay Martin (Redrum)PLUS


  • antoine

    superbe !!!!

  • Oliver Posvek (Colouristo)

    Again an unbelievable freehand. Fantastic!
    How many hours do you need for such a miniature?

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Hey Karol, wow! Your freehand work on this guy is truely again masterful. It is a joy to look at! I voted gold because of the skills you did put in your freehand. I would vote nothing for the miniature you did choose, but in this case it was a comission and I understand that ... well, why not paint something as beautiful as that on tiny paper instead of ... that sculpt. I know, comission work and you have my full respect for having the powers to paint something as beautiful as this to this sculpt. I would vote brone for the base. Overall it would be a silver, but the freehands are so marvellous in this case I do not care about the overall impression ... Keep on happy painting!

  • Jero Miniatures

    Freehand madness! Your Skills are mindblowing! Gold for your talent!

  • Luka 'Frost' Mrozek

    Crappy figure but wonderful painjob, bro!

  • Tommi Worton

    Fantastic painting

  • Meg Maples

    I still have my Ugly Knight to do for George. I have been stumped as to what to do with him as it has no barding. Your’s is gorgeous!

  • Herman aka Glitterwolf
