Morgana, H&V Miniatures, 75mm
Morgana, H&V Miniatures, 75mm
Morgana, H&V Miniatures, 75mm
Este es mi último proyecto completado para mi, todo un disfruto desde la fase de concepción hasta la culminación de la obra. Ha sido galardonada con un bronce en Monte San Savino.


That has been my own last project. I've enjoyed every part of the proces, from the conception to the culmination. It has been awarded with a bronze on Monte San Savino Show.
  • Oliver "HonourGuard" SpäthPLUS

    I really like this work, nice purples and very well executed on painting and basing. Last pictures looks great, with the real backround ;) Gold

  • Dan Pollart

    wow very nice piece..

  • Antonio

    Oro por supuesto!!! Muy buena Joan, que te voy a decir que no sepas.

  • Jason Zhou

    The textures on her dress and light reflection look really cool. Great work

  • David Arroba

    Muy bonita Joan, el morado es muy bonito y el texturizado me gusta mucho.


    Love it!  Can’t believe it earned bronze.  The judging must have been extremely tough, to say the least.  Gold for me!


  • Theren "Canny" Williams

    AWESOME! I love the hole scene and beautiful painting.

  • Ivan Radenkovic - Kameleon

    I love your choice of colors. Great work!

  • Lucky-LBT

    Very beautifull.
    I really like all the purples in there.
    By the way, very nice OSL

  • Fabrizio SchiragaPLUS

    Caramba!!! Me gusta!!!

  • Robert Karlsson

    Once again, REALLY great job, love it!