It was great pleasure to work with Patrick Masson sculpts. Heroins are from Veneri Blu pictures.
While working on diorama I thought about growing up, opportunities and fears. What can it give? And what courage does it need?
My story version, more pictures, WIPs and bonus photo with zombi chihua are in our
Anastasios Kandris
Great diorama and perfect color choices!Marina 'Ringil' Aynagoz
Thank you )Oliver Posvek (Colouristo)
Dear Marina, a lovely atmosphere and a very nice airiness based on your colouring. I love itMarina 'Ringil' Aynagoz
Thank you )))Raffaele Du Marteau "King Kender"
It was my fav at Monte san savino2015!!Marina 'Ringil' Aynagoz
its important to read this ))) thank youBerenMiniatura
Very nice!Marina 'Ringil' Aynagoz
Thank you ))Sergey-o_r_d_o-Ivanov
zachet)Marina 'Ringil' Aynagoz
в зачетку )))Alex ✍
Amazing! One of my favourite pieces at Monte! Best, AlexMarina 'Ringil' Aynagoz
Thank you for this )))Enrico Collenzini
I love it!!!Marina 'Ringil' Aynagoz
Thank you!Andrey Petrenko
Марина, однозначно золото от меня !Marina 'Ringil' Aynagoz
)))Matt CexwishPLUS
Easily your most personal and creative work so far, Marina! :) I like it especially since it evokes many ideas and feeling with the spectator, some kind of interactive mind game... Really rare in Miniatures...;)... GOLD, of course! More like this please...:)...Julien "Asavar" M.
I love what you did with this minis! And your story version is really interesting. Now... mine are waiting!François-Xavier "Fx" HUET
Excellent scene !!!! FXJakob V
One of my favorite pieces ever. I was telling a friend about this piece but I did not know who did it. Happy I found it again. Very big fan of your work!