So I got my brush box from that great MV paint rack campaign a while ago :) Just had some fun with acrylics on wood. I only had black red and white on hand from another project and decided to do some playful painting. I know it's technically not a mini, but it holds the brushes I use to paint my minis so maybe it counts? Don't open that box! Who knows what your imagination will create?!
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Gold gold gold for fresh ideas and wonderful flat surface painting…..“YOU ARRRE GRIIITE” willow the movie ..willow to mad marzipan in a British limey

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Mad marzipan….I think that’s a candy…llllloooooooollllll.  I meant mad mardigan! !

    • Neil Szabo AKA "Zab"

      Thanks man :) It’s fun and silly work and totally not my forte, but think you need those to take the pressure off sometimes and push yourself without stress. I’m just grateful for an accepting audience who isn’t too critical of silly stuff like this ;)