Arlith, Silent Shadow
Arlith, Silent Shadow
Arlith, Silent Shadow
Arlith, Silent Shadow
Wonderful miniature!
It was big pleasure to paint it. Especially to finished it. (i started work with Arlith in early spring 2014)
There are two part step-by-step about skin and face and most part of clothes.
part 1
part 2

You can find more pictures in Serpentarium
  • Archontis Kitsios

    Wonderful colors. Excellent piece. Gold.

  • Andreas NegerPLUS

    That’s what I call focus. And the face is nice too. :P
    Great work, gold!

  • A.Demidov

    Здорово, Марина!

  • Antonio

    Preciosa!! Parece un 2D.

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Hello ringil,once again your the master of textures. Your the best .serpentatrium rules

  • Andrey Petrenko


  • Al 'Elektroschnitzel' Smith

    Incredible! Great contrasts and an excellent face. Really Gold.

  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    this is really incredible. Love your painting