He saw sentries, cooking fires and a calm athmosphere everywhere, but they were on the move. He told them to leave the fortress because of a big germanic force crossing the Rhine and as they had some sort of truce the Roman's trusted his word. Everything was calm but not around his gathered force of gaulish men and woman who were ready to fight. On this day the wrath of the Gauls would hit Sabinus and Cotta in surprise and all Romans under this would be massacred."
Ambiorix was an ambiotious leader of one of the belgian tribes and in several battles his army wiped out a whole Roman legion and five cohorts. Cesear was rather angry and promised the senate to take care about revenge. This had happened and after a cruel campaign against the belgian tribes many of them were no more.
Pegaso Models, 200mm
The miniature was sold to a private collector!
Thank you for your support in my passion, work and art!
Hope you like him?
Keep on happy painting!
Best Wishes
Great job!!Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you Joe.Jay Martin (Redrum)
Love it! Again! GOLD!Roman LappatPLUS
Making love looonnnggg time! Thanks! Happy you enjoy this work of mine!JensRosenbaum "Didgman"
Lovely my friend , awesome color variation of the skin tone , the outcome of the textured look of his cape is realy nice !Roman LappatPLUS
Thank you Jens, happy that the work paid out!Theren "Canny" Williams
Man I can feel the winter blast! great feeling. Awesome work.Roman LappatPLUS
Wwhhhrrrrroooooooooorrrrhhhhrrrr! Blizzard!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Won der ful- as in full of wonder.Roman LappatPLUS
Thanks once again, John!joseluiscabrera