BOS fantasy in Leganes 2016....Absolutely well sculped for the master Joaquin Palacios..Karaikal helped me to obtain the piece as a form that valuate a lot...and for a great person and a great friend!!!..God saves the queens!!...and of course my lucky amulet!!! thanks a lot Sandra for you fool ideas and titanic pacience..
Grande Leganes!! I am so glad to have this moments to take beers and talk about funny conversations..although i always have the sense that I need more time of these...thanks a lot for your wishes
Me flipa la ambientación, un trabajo impecable ¡Enhorabuena!John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
Gold w/o a doubt.Daniel Lopez- Bustos (FeRRaMiS)
Muy buena, ultimamente le sacas una luz a tus piezas alucinante.Sergio Torregimeno
flipante! oro :)Javier González; "Arsies"
espectacular Luis, has cogido el original y lo has mejorado, no se que mas decirJuan M. Tena (jmtt)
Enhorabuena, me encanta!Jason Zhou
Superb work!Winterland
Buen trabajo ;)luisgomezpradal
Muchisimas gracias a todos!!!! mini tiene mucho cariño y creo se nota..ajjaja...un besote a todos!!Jim Robinson
Easily one of the most interesting and well done 'minis' seen. I love the colours and composition. Wonderful work, thanks for sharing.TimPLUS
Wow!RUSTO art and craft show Fabrizio Russo
WOW!Archontis Kitsios
Gold. Nothing less. Excellent!