Three days without a rest he was following blood trail of wounded beast...<br />
Beast that has attacked his native village.<br />
Most of the villagers were killed at night.<br />
Now he's only one who's looking for revenge in this forrest of fallen leaves.
Volker Stumpf
Whow, that's impressive workRoman "Light_one" Gruba
Thanks for your kind words)Andreas NegerPLUS
Love it, especially the textures! One of your best pieces so far.Roman "Light_one" Gruba
Thanks And!! I'm happy that you like it)Matthieu Roueche - "Blabla"
Nice paintjob on this dwarf...i like the overall texturing! ;)Roman "Light_one" Gruba
Thanks you Matthieu! Your version Rocks too!Jeff Burns "Tinman"
Great work Roman!Niko-litlledemon-DEZE