I have reached limit in previous upload (You can check 4 black back. photos + 11 WIPs here -
http://www.puttyandpaint.com/projects/9575), so here additional one bunch with white background photos.

I `ve taken inspiration in tribal, barocco and biomech styles (not pure biomech here, but it gave some influence).
I designed custome freehands for each detail individually, interactive with shapes of sculpture as hard as possible (due to my individual vision of what is right and beautiful, of course).
There is a bull heads encrypted in freehand pattern around piece (4 bull heads)
I also have painted more than ten different NMMs (different by hues, brightness and temperature) to create dynamical light situation on whole peace, while keeping all inner and lower parts readable and detailed.
This is first piece in my life, where I painted this kind of combined contrasts.
Approximately, I`ve maked preparations and design during two months (meanwhile other business), before I`ve started painting.
After then brush painting takes 120 hours, + around 15 hours on assembling and priming.

Next time I want to add some texturing and battle damage on similiar piece (while keeping freehands similiar as on this dread), maybe some bigger base also. But requred time on such enhanced piece will grow up to 200 hours, so I`m very excited and scared at the same time.

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    This is truely cool work. Different way of freehands you usually see on these sculpts. I really enjoy your result!

  • Michel

    Amazing Paintjob!!!!

  • Stanislav Kurylenko

    Definitely it is one of the most famously painted dreadnoughts ever I’ve seen!

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Gold..your a brilliant genius!!!