" Escape of Queen from the lock of Blua ". Pear - tree (whole piece). Madehand. By picture P.P. Rubens " Escape of Queen from the lock of Blua ". May 2010. Worked on engraving of J.M.Nattier.
I have today created New Art-Brand:
"Paintings of P.P.Rubens (17-18th century) --> The canvases of Rubens in J.M.Nattie engravings (18th century )---> Ruben's artworks in high relief images of Vladimir Rusinov (21-th century )".

........ P.P. Rubens represented the moment of escape of Maria Мedichi, duke Espernone and other adherents are helping her. A Queen was sentenced to imprisonment in the Blua castle for suspicion in murder of the husband. A Queen is accompanied by unique allegoric appearance - Galliia.
Hand made.
  • Jason Zhou

    Wonderful sculpting. Its story-telling, its focus on details and the interaction among the characters makes this a really wonderful piece of artwork!

    • artVladimir

      Very Successes !Thanks Master Jason !

  • Ivan Lesnichenko "DEMOH"

    fantastic work, gold for me

    • artVladimir

      Спасибо ИВАН за вашу теплую оценку!

  • Poliakov_Andrii

    ЗОЛОТО !!!