Here one of the several minis I done past year for Black Sun Miniatures
"TSteam Sniper girl", designed and sculpted by myself
Sculpted with Beesputty mixed fimo.
Will be cast by GRX, till these pics, cuts have been done as well as prepation for casting
Hope you enjoy her, comments are welcome :)
Having a look to my FB page or my website, you will be able to see more of Black Sun Miniatures works:
Stavros Zouliatis
After 3 years knowing you and discuss with, you are still my favorite sculptor, you know what i mean! Excellent work, a piece of master!!! gold of course!!!Jero Miniatures
Soooo dynamic! Awesome, pure Gold!Roman "Light_one" Gruba
Great dynamics and details! Awesome sculpt!Luc "Thantor" Pinganaud
Ma préférée de la série! Superbe! :-)Neil Szabo AKA "Zab"
<3 Wow <3David Diamondstone
Wow, great job! What size is she actually?David Diamondstone
Sorry, just saw the pic with the ruler. :PMatt DiPietro
Such motion and verve! I must paint one of your sculpts sometime.Jerome "Claijee" Allmang
il est fort le motard!!! superbe figurine, fine et dynamique. bravoLee Hebblethwaite (10 ball)
wowMatthieu Roueche - "Blabla"
Dynamique et avec un nivceau de détail impressionant...chapeau mec! ;)