Hi there! Last week was a bit crazy with the hurry of the euromilitaire, but it worth it. I had a lot of fun with him and his little axe. Great piece from Black sun miniatures and Joaquin Palacios.

Hope you like it and as always comments and critics are very welcome!
  • Sergio Torregimeno

    The eyes and the axe are amazing! GOLD :)

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Thanks Sergio! always appreciated! :)

  • Jay Martin (Redrum)PLUS

    Dude I thought this was yours but wasn’t sure! Almost right next to my shaman on the table! GOLD!

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      hahaha, yes! Thank you very much Jason!

  • David Arroba

    Preciosa Arnau, la piel me encanta. Una combinación de colores y ambientación muy buena.

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Muchas gracias David! me alegra que te gusten los colores, siempre es lo que mas cuesta y que lo valoren es gratificante :)

  • Poisonauta

    Cojonuda tío! Me flipa las luces de ambientación de la miniatura, la única pega la peana que se me hace un poco simple, aunque el golpe de luz roja frontal y las estacas están de vicio.

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Gracias tio! lo se XD la terminé un poco deprisa y tampoco me pare demasiado con la peana, un dia de estos tendré que hacer una que no sea caca de vaca

  • Daniel Lopez- Bustos (FeRRaMiS)

    Me encanta, una ambientacion preciosa. Los colores superbonitos. GOLD!!

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Gracias Daniel! lo mismo que le digo a David Arroba, gracias por el cumplido es el que mejor me sienta! jaja

  • Erich_Strasser

    Great high contrast painting!!!

  • Stanislav Kurylenko

    Excellently selected colors and excellent painting technique! Masterpiece!

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Thats a huge word! very kind from you! Thank you so much!

  • Marko Miladinović

    Work of art, it is mind-blowing! :)

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Thank you so much Marko for your kind words :)

  • Jose A Gallego "JAG"

    Me encanta, el color,el juego de luces y sombras, los metales…enhorabuena!

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Muchas Gracias tio :) me alegra que te guste

  • Jason Zhou

    WOW, brilliant work!

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Thanks Jason! I enjoyed so much with it :)

  • TimPLUS

    This is very, very cool

  • A.Demidov


  • Jero Miniatures

    Awesome Arnau!

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Merci Jero! :) la meitat ho fa l’escultura em sembla

  • Francesco "Franciuus" FarabiPLUS

    this is impressive! i love it!

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Thank you so much Francesco, i’m so glad you like it!

  • Cristian Sanchez Miralles (Kai)

    Eres un puto maquina, me encanta!!

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Jajaja, es todo un cumplido, y tu tampoco eres manco precisamente!

  • José Manuel del Toro "Zwo"

    Genial trabajo! Llevas una progresión brutal. Me encanta especialmente el juego de contraste logrado.

    Un saludo!

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Muchas gracias Manu, es todo un halago :)

  • Ben (EclypseDesigns) Curry

    I was extremely impressed with this at Euro, a masterclass in underpainting. Bravo!

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Thanks Ben, i love that people saw my pice at Euro, usually my figures are only form me and the customer xD

  • Yohan_Leduc

    Awesome work ! Gold !

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    MAN! I do love this. The paintjob on the model is outstanding. Lovely work there. The red ambiece light from below plays so good on this. I think the quality of the way you used the leaves and the grass is way behing the model and your painting skills. It just looks like MiniNatur out from the box, not integrated in the base at all. Sad, but still, for this magnificant paintjob a gold from me :)

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Hahaha, thank you so much Roman! I’m completely agree with you about the terrain, i’m so newbie at this, is my first “”“”“proper”“” base and i learned a lot from that, in fact usually hate making bases, but since this one, i need to do more to prove myself that i can do something better.
      The next base of this type will be completley different, is a promise xD

  • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

    Tienes gusto y eres arriesgado. subiendo escalones a lo bestia. es una pintura fantastica. eres un soplo de aire fresco. y has sabido elegir profesores y aprender sus tecnicas. me parece inteligente, y se ve clarisimo cual es tu progresion. la pieza es cojonuda. enhorabuena. por la intencion y la ejecucion estas en champions league. habria q estar ciego para no verlo.

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Vaya… No se que decir, muchisimas gracias es todo un halago, la verdad es que hago lo que puedo, aunque creo que necesito mucho trote aún y lo noto en muchos temas.

      Me alegra mucho que te haya gustado y pienses así, estas cosas animan que no veas

  • Daniel

    Amazing work. Contrast goes haywire on this one. I cant get enought of the axe blade though. :) So cool lights and reflections.

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Thanks Daniel! Nmm are my favourite parts always haha

  • Branislav Babović

    Just superb! One of those inspirational landmark figures, from skin, to OSL, metals, leather, materials…everything is amazing painting in my opinion.

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Thank you so much Bransilav, this is very kind :)

  • Andy Gillaspy

    Spent ages looking at this piece at Euromilitaire splendid colours and light effects; reminds me hugely of Frank Franzetta. Utterly brilliant work.

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Frazzeta is always a inspiration for me, as boris vallejo and paul bonner, is really a pleasure that my paint reminds you Frank’s work. Thank you very much Andy!

  • Aleksandra Cvetanovski

    As I said to you already, beautiful. One of my favorite. :)

  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    Gold. A master piece