Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS
Sculptor & Painter from Madrid, Spain
basically: I must be crazy because I love minis more than anyother thing. and thats why i decided to go through this path. so here I am ..struggling , understanding, enjoying, suffering, painting, designing, sculpting, travelling, meeting, teaching, sharing and learning since 2003.
You ART like you ARE
Artist: Sculpting, painting, concept art, illustration, graphic design, art direction,
FORGEWORLD: Model designer
KINGHTMODELS: Main Painter, sculptor, TLOTR art director-
SCALE75: Scaleworld fantasy Art director, concept artist, sculptor, Artbox painter
FREELANCE ARTIST FOR: Andrea Miniatures, Sergeant BlackArt, Ron&Bones;, Coolminiornot, Artefaktory, kabuky models, Tale of War, Ares Mytologic, Pizarro Miniature,DarkAge, Nuts Planet,Pegaso Models, Maki Games
MINDFISHERS artist with Diego Esteban
Best of show - SLAYERSWORD winner France 2006
Best of Show - SLAYERSWORD winner Spain 2006
Best of show - Leganes 2012
3º Crystal brush 2011
Best of Show - El escorial 2011
10 gold GOLDEN DEMON, 2 silver demons ( France,Spain,Germany) (2003-2013)
GOLD AWARDS master painting and master open- Soldat de Plom, Torrent, Kulmbach, Leon Rampante, San savino ;MFCA Philadelpia, Crystal Brush, WORLD EXPO switzerland
JURY for: Girona 2015, World Expo Stresa 2014, San Savino 2011 World Expo Switzerland 2011, World Expo Girona, 2008, Golden Demon France 2007, Golden Demon spain 2007, Soldat the Plom 2010, 2009, 2008, San Lorenzo del Escorial 2008, 2009, Dog of War belgium.
I have given classes in more than 25 cities and traveled in over 15 countries. The number is always growing, because people are starting to understand that painting could be something else than just blending and colorizing. My trips through Spain, Italy, France, Belgium, Austria, Denmark; United Kingdom; Turkey, USA, Canada, and other countries, has given me the chance of explore and break my own boundaries. I can say proudly that more than 400 students have studied my methods or had participated in my classes including many of the great artist of this museum; Roman Lappat, Diego Esteban, Marc Masclans, Enrique Velasco, Javier Gonzalez, Ben Komets, Rafael Garcia, Sthepan Rath, Raffaele Picca, and many other known painters of this miniature world.
These experiences has given me the opportunity to bring those concepts under the claim “fuck Smoothness”, a claim that tries to show that expression should not be constrained by rules. The “Fuck Smoothness manifesto” is what i am developing actually in the last years.
I have developed a series of light, ambiance, volume interpretations and character design, through my famous Anonymous Bust. I started the “fuck smoothness” initiative, to show the people that by understanding the colors and their properties, we can express ourselves, have fun and be fearless. Painting is more than doing the same and repetitive “step by step” process taught during the last 30 years in the miniature world. My intention is not to propose that my style is better but instead, like in the painting history, the miniatures can be shown in many different styles without losing the essence of beauty.
#fucksmoothness means to give up playing by the rules and preconceptions.
#fucksmoothness means freedom to express and experience, means to break the constraints of brush, of colour, of imagination. Paint looking for reality as if it were a photograph or paint your own reality with patches of colour just because it is pleasing your eyes. Paint as you like and how you feel.
#fucksmoothness says Rage, Anger, Sadness and Joy, all emotions are valid for expression. Like Munch’s scream, Duchamp’s laughter and Van Gogh’s rebellion, as Goya’s visionary artworks, as Bosch’s imagination, as Coubert, as Picasso, as Dalí, as Monet, as many artists did…... We draw inspiration from past masters to follow our own path. They were geniuses, who at a given moment, decided to do what they felt, not what they were told they had to feel., We do not compare ourselves with them ... But not distance ourselves either. They were geniuses, who at a given moment, decided to do what they felt, not what they were told they had to feel.
Therefore I propose this. I am not against any technique, Any finish, Any objective, any taste.
My two claims express my vision, how I am and how I relate myself with the world through the painting. “You “ART” like you ARE and “Fuck Smoothness”
I decided to dedicate my life on this path, is a hard way to live, but I had have hundreds of great experiences, meeting amazing people and having the chance to travel all arround the globe, exploring myself and my limits, exposing my works and teaching hundreds of students. So here I am…painting, struggling, sculpting, learning, suffering, travelling, understanding, enjoying, designing, meeting, teaching, AND sharing…
This job can be stressful and very volatile, but allows me to travel and know fantastic people and places, to grow continuously in terms of creativity and techniques, and to explore myself and be able to express myself through the art of miniatures. I think that is a lovely gift of life, and I am grateful to be able to have a job that I love so much…
I want express a special gratitude to all my students during the last 10 years for valuing, respecting and encouraging me. Thank you for teaching me how to be a better person. And love and eternal gratitude to my parents, friends and specially my wife, Sofia, for supporting me through, sometimes, difficult career.
Alfonso Giraldes- Banshee