Here is my personal vision of Moses. this was a sculpting commission done fior the great Alex Holmen (@Alex here in Putty). He is a very talented painter and i suggest you to take a look on his characterful and personal style.

In my head, I imagined him as a fierce characterful leader, somebody with strong appearance, a bit different from the classical interpretations.

That was a sculptwork that exceeded my skills at that time and took me ages to accomplish it. A big suffer that ended up being a fantastic learning experience.

The figure is big. no idea of whats the scale but .. huge.

I sculpt once a while. so I am concious about all my lack of skills, but I still enjoy it a lot. I hope you find it interesting and characterful enough.

Thanks for your time.

  • Mateu_Reb


  • Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"

    The gold is only thing i can leave here

  • David Batista


  • John Delamere

    Fantastic work!

  • Rhett “Saint Toad” Jenkins

    It’s great. I love how he’s wrestling that huge rock up, it isn’t like an Olympic athlete moving gracefully and effortlessly.

  • Max RichieroPLUS

    Great job my friend!

  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    Fantastic sculpting!

  • Alessandro Natale


  • Poliakov_Andrii


  • Martin CollierPLUS


  • Paraskeyas Marazakis

    Heavenly beautifull!

  • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

    thanks to everyone for yoru kind comments

  • iil1987

    La expresividad de la cara es una pasada. Parece que la roca va a salir disparda en cualquier momento.
    Muchas ganas de verla pintada!

  • Joan_McGregor

    Me encanta la postura y la expresividad y el efecto de arrepentios idolatras.

  • Joan_McGregor

    Me encanta la postura y la expresividad y el efecto de arrepentios idolatras.