This is my version of Shaetann the Immortal and its demoniac retainer, a magnum opus of grandmaster Raúl García Latorre.
I replaced Shaetann’s sabre for a scratchbuilt trident to make it look more diabolical, and I placed him atop the stairs of his palace in the netherworld, built using the original base and plasticard.
The unparalleled quality and complexity of the sculpture posed a great challenge to me as a painter, no less by the fact that this was my first attempt at a 70mm figure. The insane amount of textures and myriad details all over made it easy to get lost in the minutiæ (the micro level) at the expense of a less clear overall image (the macro level), but I am really happy that I managed to achieve a satisfactory balance between the two. As regards the colour scheme, I opted for a cold atmosphere with blue, black, purple and turquoise hues, as opposed to the traditional image of the fiery demon. I also used NMM after many years, including an attempt at titanium NMM for the trident, hence it being less reflective than the golden pads. As always, it is all brushwork.
It has undoubtedly been my most difficult paintjob to date, and I was glad that it received a lot of nice comments at Monte San Savino 2016, where I was lucky enough to be awarded a Silver Medal at the Masters Painting category after many years outside of the competition circuit.

Many thanks to my friends Diego Esteban for providing me with the familiar and Marc Masclans for taking the pictures.
  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Where the rhodium diamond platinum button,cause you friggin rock brother. Gold

  • Eric 'Flunk' McCartney

    I love your colour selection, beautiful piece.

  • mmasclans

    Tocat els ous..son millors les fotos del teu que del meu…hahah crec que algun dia m enduré la meva i en faré de noves..haha

    Una figura espectacular albert, ets un malalt de la definició!

    Una abraçada!

  • David Arroba

    Tremenda versión Albert! para mí, una de las mejores. Muy muy bonita de color. Enhorabuena por el premio y por el resultado final además, en una figura tan complicada.

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    A spectacular paintjob on this legendary sculpt!

  • Jero Miniatures

    Preciosa! Tan de bo algun dia la pugui veure en mà!
    Gorgeous! I’d love to see that someday!

  • Jason Zhou

    This is absolutely amazing paint job! I love the overall cold tones and also the numerous details you have managed to capture on this classic figure! Congrats!

  • Cristian Sanchez Miralles (Kai)

    Me encanta tio!! es finisima y esta mega bien acabada, una mini complicadisima de afrontar y de pintar, Enhorabuena !!

  • Albert Moreto FontPLUS

    Many thanks everyone for your nice comments. I am glad you like it!
    And now some bonus TRIVIA:  the name Shaetann is an alternative spelling of Shaytan (Arabic: شَيْطَان‎‎), the devil in Islam, with the same origin as Sātān (שָׂטָן) in Hebrew, source of the English Satan!

  • Enrique Velasco - emuse

    Para mi la mejor versión hasta la fecha. Enorme! buff!

  • Arkaitz Pérez Vallecillo (-NoH-)

    All hail Saetan! Crema Albert ya lo sabes.

  • Daniel Lopez- Bustos (FeRRaMiS)

    Tuve la suerte de verla en MSS, para mi una de las mejores versiones de esta figura sino la mejor, enhorabuena!!

  • Albert Moreto FontPLUS

    Gracias chavales!

  • TBB

    Well deserved to receive an awarding accolade. It is a beautiful painting :-) & very different in palette than many others, to it’s adavantage. I have 2 of these figures waitin in the wings (pun), i know in hand the detail & complexity you write of ;-)

  • Ray MacDonald

    Amazing paint job!

  • Jose_A_Alfonso

    Great work for this scale!

  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    this is beautiful…. gold