Here's a piece I painted a year and a half ago, but am just now getting around to sharing. It's a 54mm figure from Andrea. Definitely different from the typical elf. His giant stone spear had me picturing him in some prehistoric jungle hunting dinosaurs, so that is the scene I tried to create. I hope you like the results!
Thanks, Fluister! Yeah, the footprint isn't that easy to see in the photos unless you look close. It's much more apparent in person when you're looking down at the base from above.
This thing in person when David taught his class allowed me to hold and view it. It was at that moment I was def convinced that this man can paint much much more than his superb historicals. He is a brilliant human being ,a friend, a mentor and the reason I am where I am today. Thank you coach. Your one if the best in the entire world of miniature painting !!!
Derek Clark (fluid_art)PLUS
This is certainly a lovely piece, and the dinosaur print is a nice touch, gold.David Powell
Thanks, Fluister! Yeah, the footprint isn't that easy to see in the photos unless you look close. It's much more apparent in person when you're looking down at the base from above.Sławomir Borysowski - "Sławol"
Love the base, very natural! Cheers! SławolMelnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
just freat. gold.Ken "Macca Chung" Lim
Has always been one of my favourite pieces! I love all the subtle colour choices.John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS
This thing in person when David taught his class allowed me to hold and view it. It was at that moment I was def convinced that this man can paint much much more than his superb historicals. He is a brilliant human being ,a friend, a mentor and the reason I am where I am today. Thank you coach. Your one if the best in the entire world of miniature painting !!!