Painted for fun and as a atmosphere/light study.
Hope you like these two as much as i do ;-)

The little girl is produced by hasslefree the rabbit comes in a Mantis Miniatures animal box.

Regards Josua
  • Lucky-LBT

    Funny piece,
    a lot of “jarheadismus” in it :)

    • Josua LaiPLUS

      Thanks ! Yeah he is one of my main inspiration source…;-)

  • Ken "Macca Chung" Lim

    I just love this piece. It is so simple, but it tells such a story. Nice work mate.

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    I vote gold medal for this amazingly small but extremely well painted/ modeled vignette!!!

  • Luca Riva

    Love it! Good atmosphere and composition. The rabbit fits extremely well and it add something special

  • Archontis Kitsios


  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    i love it and i like your style, i give you gold :)

  • Mads Jespersen

    I really love when you do the “smaller” projects - this one is no exception. Amazing atmosphere and story! Hope to one day see your projects in real life.

    • Josua LaiPLUS

      Thank you! Well i hope you have the chance then ;-)