My version of the Wizard of Agni sculpted by the master Lucas Pina.

The glass bottles i bought in a dollhouse-store in my city they are all handmade. All the Items inclouding the table are scratchbuilt.

I hope you like it .All feedbacks and comments are wellcome.

Best regards Josua
  • Steve Haydon (Forté)

    So good to finally see this finished. And with decent photos too.


    just wow,..stunning piece!

  • Marko Miladinović

    Awesome work, very fresh and unique idea!

    • Josua LaiPLUS

      Thanks Marko glad you like it!

  • Aleksandra Cvetanovski

    You know my comments,  I love it,  amazing :D

  • Luca Riva

    I saw this in a reportage of Duke of Bavaria and i was wainting for some good photos.
    Really a good and original work! The idea of the table works
    I’ve this bust too and I can’t wait to paint this great sculpture

    • Josua LaiPLUS

      Thank you Luca. It is indeed a great figure

  • Ken "Macca Chung" Lim

    Fantastic work sir. Captures the apirit perfectly.

    • Josua LaiPLUS

      Thanks buddy for all the constant feedback you gave me.

  • luisgomezpradal

    very cool idea with the items…gold!

  • Jero Miniatures

    Your best job imho! Great Josua!

  • Andreu "Morglum Minis"

    Gold! The table is full of awesome details

  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    lovely work, perfect in all ways

  • Luc "Thantor" Pinganaud

    Wonderful, love the eyes in the bottle… ^^

  • Matthieu Roueche - "Blabla"PLUS

    What a nice piece full of ideas…love the monkey…and the saturated orange hat! ;)

    • Josua LaiPLUS

      The monkey is my favorite part on the whole bust ;-) thank you for your nice words Matthieu!

  • Dirk R.

    I like it very well !

    Many lovely details !

    Gold for me !

  • Jason Zhou

    Very creative project. Great work on building and putting together all these interesting stuff!

    • Josua LaiPLUS

      Thank you for your feedback Jason

  • Cornel "Kirby" Kuhn

    Outstanding piece at the Duke of Bavaria.
    Amazing work, my friend!

    • Josua LaiPLUS

      Thank you my friend. Really thankfull for all the honest feedback you gave me!

  • Sebastian Schubert

    Großartige arbeit, ich hoffe ich werde es auch mal live zu gesicht bekommen

  • Peter "Baphomet" TothPLUS

    It´s sooooo beautiful :)

    • Josua LaiPLUS

      ;-) ;-) thanks again for your helpfull feedback at the duke my friend

  • Jens Riber Poulsen

    Hey Josua, wonderfull to see some larger pictures of this amazing piece. So much going on, like candy for your eyes :D Keep it up :D

    • Josua LaiPLUS

      Finaly eh? ;-) thanks buddy

  • Matt DiPietro

    The creativity, storytelling, and additional details make this a highlight for me. Really cool work!

    • Josua LaiPLUS

      Thanks for your nice feedback Matt

  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    Gold for me

  • TimPLUS

    That’s very, very nice. Great little Easter eggs

  • Fausto "AbyssoulFP" Palumbo

    Man damn you did it! Goooolddd

    • Josua LaiPLUS

      Hahahah finaly yeah ;-) thanks for your feedback

  • Marc MussatPLUS

    beautiful ! love the details !

  • Martin Lavat

    SUBLIME! J’adore le singe.

  • Matty Pearce

    I cant believe I haven’t commented on this yet , it is such a beautiful piece , a real labour of love and well deserved placing !

    • Josua LaiPLUS

      Cant believe it took me so long to notice your comment XD Thx bromeo!!