"Do not be afraid of their numbers and do not take fright at their attack. Think of how our ancestors were saved in the Red Sea when Pharaoh and his army were pursuing them. Let us cry to the heavens and our Lord will take pity on us, His poor people. He will remember how He pledged himself to our fathers and today before our eyes He will wipe out this entire army so that everyone knows that God alone can save and rescue whoever he wants to. And do not be afraid of the words of a sinful man, because all his treasured honour is like dust and a snake. Today he stands as tall as a tower, tomorrow he has disappeared without trace. Therefore, dear sons, love honour at all times and boldly risk your life in battle for the sake of our fathers' inheritance. Hold fast to the memory of what your ancestors did in their lifetime in this way you will earn great honour and your name will be praised for ever:"

My first historical model, it was interesting experience and I learned from it. This was a challenge given by my friend to perform my style of painting to a historical model. Hope you guys like my version, always happy to hear your feedback. :)

Model is from Pegaso Models.
  • Luca Riva

    I see a really good work on experimenting with colors.
    You use spots of light and color that are really interesting.
    Probably in my opinion you can implement in your works a much more intense directional light, like a more zenithal lighting approach.
    Anyway an excellent work mate! Well done!

    • Marko Miladinović

      Thank you very much for your feedback I very appreciate and also thanks for the nice words Luca. :)

  • Max RichieroPLUS

    Great colors! Gold!

  • Jero Miniatures

    Your style is pretty unique! Love your colour alchemy and skills! Gold for me.

  • David Diamondstone

    Great use of colors! Love how the purples and blues plus the texture of the black cape make it look like old faded fabric, and it makes a great contrast with the shiny polished black nmm armor. Really dig your style.

    • Marko Miladinović

      Pleasure to hear that from you David. Thank you very much! :)

  • Andreu "Morglum Minis"

    Awesome work in textures. The cape is great!

  • Michael "Dellolyn" Hansen

    Excelent paintjob, simply gold.

  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    i put Gold, it’s really colourful and alive

  • TimPLUS

    Another beautiful piece mate

  • Jose_A_Alfonso

    nice gold

  • Gianluca "Branzu" Buttigliero

    Wow, a “Fantasy-Historical” teutonic knight! Amazing atmosphere!!!