Gurmuz - The Strigoi
Gurmuz - The Strigoi
Gurmuz - The Strigoi
Gurmuz - The Strigoi
Since i'm an idiot, sadly i deleted by mistake the old project of Gurmuz with all the good votes and comments i received. While i was redoing the project i thought it would be better if i took new and improved pictures of my Strigoi version of Gurmuz as the old ones didn't do it any justice at all. I hope you like them.

I painted this project in September - October 2016 and i knew i didn't want to paint it green or like a traditional orc. I always loved dark subjects and so i decided to make it like a feral vampire, a Strigoi.

This piece won me a gold medal in the fantasy standard category at Monte San Savino, my first ever painting competition.

p.s.: After i finished my work it seemed that several people painted this great bust in a non-traditional way. That made me happy because it meant that either i was onto something since better painters than me had a similar idea or that (dare i say it) i somewhat inspired others.