[Eng] Hello all! Let me introduce you to Vivianne, the 4th release from my own line of female resin busts called "Women by Pepa Saavedra". She will be traded by Fer miniatures, as usual. Vivianne is one of the names of "the Lady of the Lake", a sorceress character in the Arturian Legend. Wikipedia says: "She plays a pivotal role in many stories, including giving King Arthur his sword Excalibur, enchanting Merlin, and raising Lancelot after the death of his father. Different writers and copyists give the Arthurian character the name Nymue, Nimue, Nimueh, Viviane, Vivien, Elaine, Ninianne, Nivian, Nyneve, or Evienne, among other variations.
I choosed "Viviane" for named her and I imagine her just at the time she is giving Excalibur to King Arthur. I try to reflect with my paint, a magic atmosphere, something ethereal, like levitating into a trance over the lake's water.
I hope you like Viviane :)

  • Roman "Light_one" Gruba

    For me it’s always a pleasure to see your new projects Pepa!
    Viviane looks awesome !

    • Pepa Saavedra

      Thanks a lot Roman, pleased you like her

  • Nathan Hutchison (The Forgotten Turtle)

    Every now-and-then there is a project on this site, that makes me gasp from a strong emotional response. “Saeros” by Mirko is one, Mirmillon Gladiator by Kirill is another, and this is definitely on that list now. Beautiful work.

    • Pepa Saavedra

      Thanks a lot Nathan. I always try that all my paintworks have their own “atmosphere” or “ambiance” themselves. I’m looking for produce emotions or feelings in the viewers.

  • Neil Szabo AKA "Zab"

    Nice to see the beauty and power of women without all the gratuitous skin :) I would love to see a series of real women sculpts like middle aged, sort of showing their experience but still the beauty that comes with life’s lessons.

    • Pepa Saavedra

      I totally agree with you, and probably in the future it will be able we see this kind of busts or figures. Thanks a lot.

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Menos contraste!!! It is too beautiful!!!

    • Pepa Saavedra

      Jajaja more contraste!!! Thanks a lot, big monkey xoxo

  • Chris "D.Vader" SuhrePLUS

    Absolutely magnificent piece!

  • pit rehmke

    Wonderful color composition!
    Excellent painting work.

    • Pepa Saavedra

      Thanks pit-rehmke!! xoxo

  • Luke 'atacam' Wilson

    This is so nice, and being that I had a chance to see it at SMC I know these photos are just not showing the model off to its full potential. I mean I never realised that there was a really nice green glow all around the sword until I saw it in person. Such fantastic work.

    • Pepa Saavedra

      Thanks Luke! I’m not good with pictures XD Glad you like it xoxo

  • Sławomir Borysowski - "Sławol"

    Beautiful work, love the colours!


    • Pepa Saavedra

      Thanks a lot Sławomir! A kiss xo

  • Anastasios Kandris

    Beautiful piece!

    • Pepa Saavedra

      Thanks Anastasios! A kiss xoxo

  • Paolo-Di-Poce

    80’s movie feeling on this one. Great as always

    • Pepa Saavedra

      Thanks a lot Paolo! Glad you like it xoxo

  • Jero Miniatures

    Precioso Pepa!
    Eres un referente mundial de este arte y tu estilo es una autentica delícia.

    • Pepa Saavedra

      Muchas gracuas Jero! Encantada de que te guste. Un beso xoxo

  • luisgomezpradal

    Impresionante pepa…la cara con los azules queda finísima y el vestido me encanta un besote

    • Pepa Saavedra

      Gracias Luis! Me gusta que te guste, mil besos xoxo

  • BnoA (Benoit Cauchies )

    Awesome painting job ... como siempre :-)

  • Andres

    Beauty work! Congrats!

  • Álvaro Lameiras

    Fantastic work, it is always a pleasure to see.

  • Demitris

    Beautiful Pepa :)

  • Gianluca "Branzu" Buttigliero


  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Superbe, traitée tout en finesse. On aimerait la rencontrer au bord d’un lac !

  • Iván Moles "Stuka"

    Un trabajo precioso, me encantan los tonos.

  • Winterhawk

    Great work and details.

  • Jim Jackson

    She is quite stunning! I’ve just been looking at the FeR site and instantly fell in love with your work!