Hello all! It's been a long time since I uploaded my last project to Putty and Paint.....so, it's time to start doing again. This isn't a new release for my own brand because she was released some time ago, but in anyway, let me introduce you to Sònaira, the 5th release from my own line of female resin busts called "Women by Pepa Saavedra". She were (and will be) traded by Fer miniatures, as usual.
Sônaira stands for all forest spirits that defend and protect the nature. She is a forest guardian, an archer and uses her bow to protect and keep safe natural world from external aggressions.
I've seen many versions of this bust beautifully painted and I would like to see much more. This is my own rendition, the one I've painted for boxart. I hope you like her.

PD: I forgot to say that sculptor is Ramón Martinez :)
  • Anna Lepskaja

    Great job ! Gold .

  • girlpainter57

    gret contrast

    • Pepa Saavedra

      Glad you like it and thanks for comment!

  • eric wolfsPLUS


  • yjxbyby

    Good job!

  • Daniel Gütl

    Long time fan of your work here, always Gold for me. Ordered the bust in the FER sale and will definately paint her!

    • Pepa Saavedra

      Oh, Thak you Daniel!! I’m sure you will enjoy painttin her :D. I look foward to see your version.

  • Josh_Underhill

    This is masterful painting and use of colour.

  • Natalia Oracz

    The fox is killing me with cuteness, ultra kawaii! :D I really like the color scheme.

    • Pepa Saavedra

      :D Thanks Natalia, I’m glad you like it!!

  • Rhett “Saint Toad” Jenkins

    Love that skintone.

  • Philippe


  • Atila KawautiPLUS

    Amazing! Solid gold.