Hypatia / Women By Pepa Saavedra
Hypatia / Women By Pepa Saavedra
Hypatia / Women By Pepa Saavedra
Hypatia / Women By Pepa Saavedra
Hello all! This isn't a new release for my own brand because she was released some time ago, but in anyway, let me introduce you to Hypatia, the 6th release from my own line of female resin busts called "Women by Pepa Saavedra". She were (and will be) traded by Fer miniatures, as usual.
As you already know Hypatia were a neoplatonic philosopher and mathematician greek woman who lived and teached in Alexandria (egipt). She excelled in mathematics and astronomy and is considerer as the first scientific woman and a pioneer on history of women in science. She was killed for political and religious reasons. But I wanted to take her away of this drama and place her in a moment of relax between teachings to her students.
I hope you like Hypatia.

Ps: I forgot to say sculptor is Pedro Fernandez.