Spring / Women by Pepa Saavedra
Spring / Women by Pepa Saavedra
Spring / Women by Pepa Saavedra
Spring / Women by Pepa Saavedra
Hello all! This isn't a new release for my own brand because she was released some time ago, but in anyway, let me introduce you to Spring, the 7th release from my own line of female resin busts called "Women by Pepa Saavedra". She were (and will be) traded by Fer miniatures, as usual.
As you know, Spring is one of four seasons (XD). She also is the first of a 4 busts's serie based on 4 seasons of the year. Second will be Summer, naturally.
To design Spring, I took ideas and ispiration in Art Nouveau Style, specially in the art of Alphonse Mucha among many other painters, designers and illustrators. Curve lines and a naturalistic and floral style are the most representative characteristics of art nouveau. I want that all my serie of bust are coherent as far as design, sculpt and paint are concerned. That's why you'll notice a change of color in every bust that represent the change of season. Spring changes from cold colors (of winter) to warm pastel colors (of spring).
Finally, I want to say that sculptor of Spring is Pedro Fernandez, his style is unmistakable.

I hope you like Spring.