In the spirit of my love for KD models I wanted to ensure that they were represented for one of my entries for this year's Crystal Dragon and so I chose the Male Warrior of the Sun because I felt the model is just so dynamic (but boy oh boy those contact points scare me!). I've tried to do something very different here and I'm not sure if I pulled it off or not but I am sure of one thing, blue and pink looks cool together!

If you have any feedback I'd love to hear any comments and criticism as I still have a little time to do some refinement for the comp (next weekend) but I'm overall pretty satisfied with the end result I really hope you like it too!
  • Josua LaiPLUS

    Wow i love this base well done man!

    • DavidColwellPLUS

      Thank you! I’m a big fan of your base work so this means the world to me.

  • Roberto Sirchia

    Like it a lot! beautiful atmosphere and I especially love the sense of movement that it transmits! Gold for sure :D

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Extremely wonderful painting

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Great color explosion! Love it!

  • Leonardo "LeoPelo" Archini

    Great color choice and dynamic pose! I love it!

  • Gianluca "Branzu" Buttigliero

    Love the atmosphere!!! Gold!

  • Mads Jespersen

    Love the palette and story!! Well done!

  • DavidColwellPLUS

    Thank you so much everyone for all the kind words, it is very much appreciated.  The Calibre of some of the artists on here can be intimidating some time so it makes me very happy to receive all these gold ratings.  It is very much appreciated.

  • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

    Is super nice. I just miss some closer pics to see the real work. Because from this distance i can only see the color game, which, in thr other hand, is fantastic.

  • Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)

    Beautiful! I like the atmosphere a lot.

  • Christoffer "Lazerhead3000" Jonsson

    What everyone else said!

  • Lucky-LBT

    perfect dynamic and cool colors