Anyway, it was an absolute joy to paint, and alos quite a bit of fun carefully posting picturse on facebook that only showed the nice friendly old gnome :)
And it's strange how some of the painting went. For some reason I was really pleased with the thumb nail on the old gnomes right hand, and the texturing on the acorn. Almost inconsiquential details really, but that's how it goes ...
And for those wondering about the title, Renfield is the name of Draculs's servant ..
Congratulations, the paintjob is great but the idea make this piece much more interesting! After reading your explanation I was thinking on a worried father because a vampire bites his son and I imagine this gnome running trough the forest searching a magician or druid, the child face is a little bit sad or sick, i did not notice the ear's blood in my firs view. Thank you for share the history behind this piece!Conrad Mynett
Thanks. You could be right about that worried father ...Daniel Sandoval "Eslizon"
Awesome! I like the idea and the colour choice.Conrad Mynett
Thank youRoman LappatPLUS
Hahahah, great story-telling here! Love it!Conrad Mynett
Thanks Roman, glad you liked it. I really should paint one of Lucas's pieces "normally" some day :)Melnikov Ivan "Nakatan"
Gold!Conrad Mynett