Hi fellowpainters!
My last work was a chaos spacemarine from that ugly Nurgle-god!
I don't like Nurgle's related things and can call this piece ugly for sure, so I had to concentrate my self on colors, tring not to think about this horrible marine ahah
Anyway, hope you like it!

let me know what you think :D
  • Martin Vermeulen (Nighthawk)

    Haha, I don’t like Nurgle myself (but had to paint one a while ago)but I really like what you did with this one! Very appropriate basing too!

  • Emil Nyström

    love the basing. model fits great on it, both in style and color.

  • Pierre Chrétien

    Love the colors here. Great job !

  • Hendarion

    Lighting on the armour is brilliant, the rust is great and not overdone. Like it a lot.

  • Perfect Tommy

    Great weathering, it looks amazing!

  • Bran

    Il tuo ultimo dipinto è molto bello, molto preciso e molto pulito. Probabilmente troppo per una Plague Marine, ma mi piacciono molto. Congratulazioni.

  • Marco "BigBlackBear" Orselli

    Bling gold

  • John Margiotta "BloodASmedium"PLUS

    Gold golden gilded -nuff said!!!

  • vincenzo gambinoPLUS

    stupendo ..... oro :)