Hi people!

Finally i took some free time to finish this bust that i had sitting at 90% for months. It was a NMM study i made for myself, I tried to emulate the look of a classic paint NMM, with a lot of brushstroke. I didn't try to hide the paint or the touch of the brush to look like a real metal because i think there is beauty in looking like a painting, and a NMM can be as cool and effective with them or without, let me know if you think the same or otherwise.
I hope you like it and any comment and opinion is more than welcome!
  • Clive Jackson

    Fabulous work! Gold!

  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Los metales están muy bien trabajados, un estudio del efecto metálico con tonos más cálidos, marrones , ocres etc. muy efectivo y convincente. La cara y el estandarte, por descontado, magníficos.

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Muchísimas gracias Eduardo! Fue todo un reto pero estoy muy contento

  • Ivan Hortal A.PLUS

    que caaaaaaabron. me encanta. ya no termino la mia xD

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      xD si la tienes casi listaaaa, acabalaaaaaa!

  • girlpainter57

    lovely refections in the armour

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Thank you very much for your support!!

  • Bran

    Awesome work, congratulations Arnau

  • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

    muy bien como siempre

    • Arnau LazaroPLUS

      Muchísimas gracias Alfonso, es todo un honor que te gusten mis trabajos

  • Jakob VPLUS

    Just perfect!

  • pstockley

    Fantastic, this emulates a classical painting style very well.

  • Jason Zhou

    Brilliant paint job. Love the way you painted NMM very much; the flag, skin tones and weathering work were very well handled. Congrats!

  • kouhung Chung

    Awesome work

  • Alex ✍

    Looks incredible ❤️

  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    Wow, I love it!

  • Nik Ableev

    WOW! Beautiful work!

  • Perfect Tommy

    The NMM is spectacular. It is absolutely an amazing piece.

  • Enrique Vilchis

    Obviamente te di Oro, pero me quedo muy deprimido porque ahora veo mis cosa muy feas. “Felicidades” tienes unas manos privilegiadas

  • Sébastien "BoarWorkshop"

    really awesome paintjob

  • Jero Miniatures

    Wuffff…. Es el que voldria fer algún dia. Brillant Arnau, espero poder veure-la algun cop i disfrutar-ne.
    My exact Cup of Tea.
    Pure Gold

  • Nik Ableev

    Jast awsome!

  • Winterland

    Gran trabajo..

  • Axurit

    What an amazing job on armor and metal !!!