Roman Lappat has had a big influence on me in my short time in Europe. I spent a lot of time with him last year in his workshops as well as a stint in unbelievable heat in a one on one coaching. So I thought I would take some good photos of the daemonette I built and painted in his beginner workshop in Augsburg, Germany last year. Although the beginner workshop covered a lot of topics I already knew, I wanted to do it to round out Roman's approach to creativity. Thanks for the coaching and friendship, Roman. If anyone is thinking about taking Roman's classes, don't think, just do. They are very valuable for painters of all levels.

As a side note, this is not a post about getting votes on P&P but is rather an acknowledgement of something I learnt in academia. "We stand on the shoulders of the giants before us." This statement, which makes people understand the importance of referencing the researchers you have used in building your proposition always resonated with me.

I thought it apt to post something that acknowledged the impact that people like Roman, Kirill, Marc, Alfonso, Jeremie, Meg, Marko, Fabrizio, Romain and others have had on my painting and creative. Thank you to one and all.