Eva - RobotRocket Miniatures
Ilustration - Jude Smith
Sculpture - Ali Jalali
Painting - Aythami Alonso Torrent
Video of the process - http://www.notoriginalminis.com

This bust is very special for me. Has been such a challenging project and learning process until I achieved what I wanted: A feminine skin with a smooth and pastel looking where you can still see the intention of the stroke. Really difficult for me cause im an aggressive painter. I've discovered that the secret is being aggressive or smooth only when it's needed. There's a lot more to say and explain that you can find in the videos.
Hope you like her!
  • Bran

    A real success ....Congratulations Aythami !!

  • Blast Model

    Nice work

  • Marco Ruano Miniature Painter

    Increíble Bro

  • Jakob VPLUS

    Absolutely love it! A new perfect work from you! One of my favorites!

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Woaw !!! Really great painting !

  • Jesús Gómez

    Que decirte, si es que ya tienes dominado esto, vas a tener que buscar algún reto nuevo XD

  • Ioannis PapadakisPLUS

    Perfect facial expression,beautiful colours,nice shadows,
    perfect paint job!


  • David Batista

    Aythamiiiiiii, oro por supuesto. Mirate lo mío a ver si hay algo que te guste…

  • girlpainter57

    straight to my favorites , great skill ,love the highlighting

  • Chris / g0rb

    Superb! Gold!

  • Tapio SalminenPLUS

    You are a wizard. I especially love the way you paint eyes.

  • Graou

    I’m absolutely mesmerized by how you manage to put beauty and grace in this sculpt that I found at first a bit vulgar. I’m in love !

  • Gabriele Leni


  • Luceq

    Great..i love it!

  • pstockley

    Love it!

  • Gerry Larkin

    Beutifull painting and what a fantastic sculpt!  a good combination! congratulations Aythami!!

  • Antonio

    De nuevo un reto, por supuesto de oro. De nota la sutileza del gris que explicas en tus videos.
    Me descubro el craneo.!

  • Alex ✍

    Fantastic paintjob ❤️

  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS

    Awesome job mate!

  • Aythami Alonso Torrent

    Thanks a lot guys! im really glad you like my interpretation of EVa.

  • Clive Jackson

    Fabulous work! Gold!

  • Roberto Sirchia

    Impressive! :O

  • Sébastien "BoarWorkshop"

    really beautifull , her hand looks real (like everything) !!

  • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

    que te voy a decir….que no haya dicho ya a los cuatro vientos.. refrescaste la habitacion. ahora que no te salga moho como a tantos otros.

  • Ian Candler

    SO good, thank you for sharing your process as well! Gold!!

  • Herman aka Glitterwolf

    So lifelike!

  • Theren "Canny" Williams

    Beautiful work buddy!

  • François-Xavier "Fx" HUET

    Xcellent !!


  • Iván Moles "Stuka"

    Un trabajo maravilloso!

  • Paul "Duxxie" Duckers

    So realistic. Stunning work, no wonder it’s GOLD.