See WIP/SBS link for more info. Original sculpt by Charles Agius for Metal-AF Miniatures.
  • Kyle Maitland

    One of my favourite projects from crystal brush last year.  Love the palette and atmosphere.

  • eric wolfsPLUS

    Impressionnant !

  • Mally Anderson

    Stunning sculpt from Charles and an amazingly atmospheric painting - gold

  • Eduardo Garcia Lope

    Extraordinary piece of ART

  • Alex ✍

    Absolutely fantastic ❤️

  • Matt DiPietro

    Looking good Ben. Worthy of editor’s I think. Should credit the sculptor ;)

  • Bran


  • Magnus FagerbergPLUS


  • Herman aka Glitterwolf


  • Poliakov_Andrii


  • Blast Model


  • Clive Jackson

    Fabulous piece! Gold!

  • Benjamin "metal_af" Kantor

    Thanks guys!

  • Kevin "Kefa" Fannin

    I’m a big fan of this piece. Great discipline to pull it all together in such a complex diorama.

  • Alfonso Giraldes_BansheePLUS

    one of the best pieces of the private coaching we made on patreon. really great and ambitious.

  • Basilisk (David Mommel)

    I followed the process in the coaching that Banshee made with you and I was looking forward to see it! Great work! Gold!

  • Ilya Tabaravets

    The colors are simply great. The atmosphere and mood - all so good))

  • Roman LappatPLUS

    Impressive Project! Wow!

  • "SCV Park" Yeong Min

    WoW~!! Great~! Gold~!!

  • Paul "Duxxie" Duckers

    Amazing project. Well executed. Definate GOLD